13. dec. 2014
Oddaja Sektor Ž - 13. dec. 2014
V decembrski oddaji Sektor Ž bomo govorile o reapropriaciji nadzora nad našimi telesi v javnem in zasebnem prostoru .
Tea Hvala je pripravila reportažo s srečanja TransMisija, ki je potekalo 26. 11. 2014 v Hostlu Celica. Prvo srečanje trans oseb in njihovih podpornic_kov v Sloveniji je bilo posvečeno prizadevanjem za demedikalizacijo in boljšo pravno zaščito trans oseb. TransMisijo so organizirali DIC Legebitra, Slovensko seksološko društvo in inciativa TransAkcija.
V noči z 22. na 23. 11.2014 pa je sploh prvič v našem prostoru potekal shod Noč je naša!, s katerim so feministke zavzele nočne ljubljanske ulice in opozorile na nujnost boja proti nasilju nad ženskami, lezbijkami in trans osebami v javnem ter zasebnem prostoru. Tradicija nočnih protestov proti nasilju nad ženskami se je pričela že konec 70-ih pod geslom »Take back the night!« ali »Reclaim the night!«. Reportažo s shoda in nekaj razmislekov ob mednarodnem dnevu boja proti nasilju nad ženskami (25. november) je pripravila Teja Oblak.
Nato boste lahko prisluhnile_i jagodnemu izboru oz. idejam za branje udarnih feminističnih tekstov, ki jih je za mrzle decembrske dni posebej za vas izbrala Klara Otorepec.
Oddajo pripravljamo Klara O., Tea H. in Teja O.
Se poslušamo!
V soboto, 13. decembra 2014 ob 12h v živo na Radiu Študent ali kasneje na tej povezavi.
Na sliki videoposnetek s shoda Noč je naša! Avtorica: Ana Grobler
14. okt. 2014
Bloggin' for City of Women
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Druga svoboda / The Second Freedom by Leja Jurišić and Teja Reba |
Between Sept. 25th and October 12th, I was writing the City of Women Festival Blog.
Some of the reviews, dialogues and musings dedicated to the 2014 festival program were written in collaboration with Kristina Hens, some with other writers. It was a pleasure to be part of this temporary community of artists, organizers, journalists and many other curious & courageous feminists.
10. okt. 2014
Sektor Ž: Taktike bojev / Fighting tactics
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Still from Raeda Saadeh's video Vacuum |
Sektor Ž - Taktike bojev
V oktobrski oddaji Sektor Ž pripravljamo reportažo z 20. Mednarodnega festivala sodobne umetnosti Mesto žensk na temo »Taktike preživetja«, ki od 2.10 do 12.10.2014 poteka v Ljubljani. Intervjujale bomo aktivistko iz Maroka, ki bo spregovorila o taktikah boja za pravice lezbijk, gejev, biseksualnih, trans in queer oseb, o feminističnem gibanju ter o položaju žensk v maroški družbi. Na koncu bomo pobrskale po novem feminističnem spletnem portalu Spol.si, o zasnovi portala ter taktikah ustvarjanja feminističnega medija pa se bomo pogovarjale z urednico Ano Cergol Paradiž. Sledijo napovedi najzanimivejših feminističnih dogodkov.
Oktobrsko oddajo pripravljamo Teja Oblak, Klara Otorepec in Tea Hvala. Vabljene/i k poslušanju!
V soboto, 11. oktobra, ob 12.00, v živo na Radiu Študent.
Posnetek oddaje
Sektor Ž na Facebooku
Sektor Ž – Fighting Tactics
The October edition of radio show Sektor Ž features a report from the 20th international festival City of women, focusing on it's theme »Survival tactics«, an interview with Karima, activist from Morroco, who spoke about the challenges of LGBTQ people, feminists and women in Morroco, and another interview with Ana Cergol Paradiž, the editor of the new online media Spol.si (Gender.si), who explained the media's tactical approach to creating new feminist media spaces. At the end of the show, you can find out where in Ljubljana the most interesting feminist events will be taking place in the following weeks.
The radio show was prepared by Teja Oblak, Klara Otorepec and Tea Hvala. Stay tuned!
Saturday, October 11th, at 12.00 live at Radio Študent.
Online recoding of the show.
Our Facebook page.
ana cergol paradiž,
klara otorepec,
mesto žensk,
Radio Študent,
Sektor Ž,
Tea Hvala,
Teja Oblak
9. okt. 2014
Intervju s Silvio Federici na Radiu Študent
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Silvia Federici (Foto: Nada Žgank) |
V tokratnem intevjuju objavljamo kolaž izjav Silvie Federici, ki je s predavanjem in seminarjem gostovala na 20. mednarodnem festivalu Mesto žensk.
Silvia Federici je legendarna feministična aktivistka, udeleženka številnih radikalnih bojev za osvoboditev in častna profesorica na newyorški Univerzi Hofstra. Med njeni najpomembnejši deli spadata knjigi Caliban and the witch: women, the body and the primitive accumulation (Autonomedia, 2004) in Revolution at point zero: housework, reproduction and feminist struggle (PM Press, 2012).
V intervjuju, ki sta ga pripravili Teja Oblak in Tea Hvala, je bilo govora predvsem o razlogih, zakaj kapitalistično plenjenje, razgradnje javnih storitev in nove prisilne oblike dela ter suženjstva niso naletele na množični upora zahodnih feministk in feministov.
V četrtek, 9. oktobra 2014, ob 18.00, na Radiu Študent. Posnetek intervjuja (v angleščini).
Radio Študent,
Silvia Federici,
Tea Hvala,
Teja Oblak
7. sep. 2014
'Ulica spomina na ženske' na festivalu Cmakajne, 20.9.2014
English version below.
Festival Cmakajne 2014, CMAK, Cerkno
Ana Čigon, Tea Hvala
Ulica spomina na ženske
Video projekcija s sprehodom po Cerknem
Ogledale/i si bomo kratka videa Ane Čigon o spominskih
obeležjih, posvečenih ženskam. Umetnico je
zanimalo, koliko spomenikov v Ljubljani ohranja spomin na ženske, katere od njih sploh poznamo in katere ženske, ki so s svojim delom
pomembno sooblikovale našo preteklost, so izginile v pozabo. Po ogledu bomo
razpravljale/i o tem, zakaj so izginile in zakaj je vprašanje vidnosti žensk v
javnem prostoru feministična tema, ki zadeva tako ženske kot moške vseh
generacij. Pogovor bo vodila Tea Hvala.
Dogodek je brezplačen in odprt za vse.
Sobota, 20. september 2014, ob 17.00, CMAK, Cerkno
Celoten program festivala Cmakajne si lahko ogledate tukaj.
Na tej povezavi lahko poslušate radijsko oddajo Alterica (Radio Odmev), v kateri sva s Katarino Štucin 6. septembra predstavili letošnji festival.
Priporočamo tudi obisk instalacije / performansa Hodim za tabo in gledam te, ki bo v nedeljo, 7. septembra, ob 11.00 in 16.00 pod vodstvom Barbare Kapelj Osredkar in Leje Jurišić krenil/a s Pogačarjevega trga v Ljubljani. Več na spletni strani Mesta žensk.
Festival Cmakajne 2014, CMAK, Cerkno
Ana Čigon, Tea Hvala
Ulica spomina na ženske
Video projekcija s sprehodom po Cerknem
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Posnetek iz videa Ljubljana, mesto žensk (2013) |
Sledil bo sprehod, na katerem bomo preštele/i imena cerkljanskih
ulic, ki so poimenovane po ženskah. V primeru slabega vremena si bomo v CMAK-u ogledale/i
celovečerni film.
Delovna verzija videa Odkritje mačke v žaklju (2014)
je nastala v okviru istoimenskega projekta Ane Čigon. Video Ljubljana, mesto
žensk (2013) je posnela v sodelovanju z umetnicami Lejo
Jurišić, Tejo Reba in Barbaro Kapelj Osredkar v
okviru projekta Hodim za tabo in gledam
te, s katerim so se predstavile na lanskem festivalu Mesto
Dogodek je brezplačen in odprt za vse.
Sobota, 20. september 2014, ob 17.00, CMAK, Cerkno
Celoten program festivala Cmakajne si lahko ogledate tukaj.
Na tej povezavi lahko poslušate radijsko oddajo Alterica (Radio Odmev), v kateri sva s Katarino Štucin 6. septembra predstavili letošnji festival.
Priporočamo tudi obisk instalacije / performansa Hodim za tabo in gledam te, ki bo v nedeljo, 7. septembra, ob 11.00 in 16.00 pod vodstvom Barbare Kapelj Osredkar in Leje Jurišić krenil/a s Pogačarjevega trga v Ljubljani. Več na spletni strani Mesta žensk.
Ana Čigon je na ljubljanski Akademiji za likovno umetnost in
oblikovanje zaključila dodiplomski študij slikarstva in magistrski študij
videa. Končala je tudi magistrski študij Interface Cultures na
Kunstuniversitaet Linz v Avstriji. Deluje na področju videa, performansa in
novih medijev. V svojih novejših umetniških
projektih se ukvarja z vprašanjem podreprezentiranosti žensk v umetnosti in problematizira
uveljavljene vzorce zgodovinjenja umetnosti. www.anacigon.si
Hvala je sociologinja in publicistka z
magisterijem iz antropologije spolov. Piše o feminističnemu aktivizmu, medijih in umetnosti. Na Radiu Študent s sodelavkami pripravlja Sektor Ž, edino
feministično radijsko oddajo v Sloveniji. Med letoma 2002 in 2013 je soorganizirala festival Rdeče zore, kateremu je posvetila tudi knjigo Rdečke razsajajo! (2011). prepih.blogspot.com
Women's Remembrance Street at Cmakajne festival
On September 20th at 17.00, you are invited to Cmakajne festival (at CMAK, Cerkno), to the public viewing of two short videos-in-progress by artist Ana Čigon. “Odkritje mačke v žaklju” (2014) and “Ljubljana, mesto žensk” (2013) address the (absence of) memorials, dedicated to women in Ljubljana. The first video was made as part of her same-titled project, the second was made in collaboration with artists Leja Jurušić, Teja Reba and Barbara Kapelj Osredkar as part of their joint project “I'm Walking Behind You and Watching You”, which premiered at last year’s City of Women festival.
Which women who shaped our history are still remembered? Who has been forgotten? Why is the visibility of women in public space a feminist issue that concerns women and men of all generations? These are some of the questions that are going to be discussed after the screening, led by sociologist, writer and former Red Dawns festival co-organizer Tea Hvala.
The event will conclude with a walk, where the participants will count the number of streets in Cerkno, which are named after women. In case of rain, the walk is going to be replaced by a feature film screening.
No entrance fee. Open to all. In Slovene.
Women's Remembrance Street at Cmakajne festival
On September 20th at 17.00, you are invited to Cmakajne festival (at CMAK, Cerkno), to the public viewing of two short videos-in-progress by artist Ana Čigon. “Odkritje mačke v žaklju” (2014) and “Ljubljana, mesto žensk” (2013) address the (absence of) memorials, dedicated to women in Ljubljana. The first video was made as part of her same-titled project, the second was made in collaboration with artists Leja Jurušić, Teja Reba and Barbara Kapelj Osredkar as part of their joint project “I'm Walking Behind You and Watching You”, which premiered at last year’s City of Women festival.
Which women who shaped our history are still remembered? Who has been forgotten? Why is the visibility of women in public space a feminist issue that concerns women and men of all generations? These are some of the questions that are going to be discussed after the screening, led by sociologist, writer and former Red Dawns festival co-organizer Tea Hvala.
The event will conclude with a walk, where the participants will count the number of streets in Cerkno, which are named after women. In case of rain, the walk is going to be replaced by a feature film screening.
No entrance fee. Open to all. In Slovene.
Ana Čigon,
mesto žensk,
Odkritje mačke v žaklju,
Tea Hvala,
6. sep. 2014
Sektor Ž: Kdo potrebuje feminizem?
Živo poročanje s festivala PitchWise v Sarajevu, napoved festivala Mesto žensk in o antifeminizmu
V septembrski oddaji Sektor Ž se bo Tea Hvala s prav posebnimi gostjami v živo oglašala s festivala PitchWise, festivala ženske umetnosti in feminizma v Sarajevu. Tema letošnjega festivala je »Mizoginija, pazi se!«. V nadaljevanju bo Teja Oblak predstavila 20. mednarodni festival Mesto žensk, ki bo potekal oktobra v Ljubljani in se bo posvečal »Taktikam preživetja«. Klara Otorepec bo analizirala antifeministične Tumblr kampanje »We don´t need feminism« (Mi ne potrebujemo feminizma) in hkrati predstavila ozadje in izkušnje nemške pro-feministične kampanje z naslovom »Wer braucht feminismus?« (Kdo potrebuje feminizem?«). Za konec vam bomo servirale najzanimivejše novičke iz feminističnih logov.
Vse_i potrebujemo feminizem! Vabljene_i k poslušanju!
*na sliki ena od fotografij iz nemške kampanje »Kdo potrebuje feminizem?« - odgovor na sliki: »Mi potrebujemo feminizem, ker spol ne bo določal naših življenjskih odločitev!«
V soboto, 13. septembra ob 12.00 na Radiu Študent (ali kasneje na istem linku)
* * *
Sektor Ž: Who needs feminism?
Live report from Sarajevo´s PitchWise festival, presentation of the approaching City of Women festival and about antifeminism
In September´s radio show Sektor Ž ("Sector W") Tea Hvala will report live from the 9th festival of wymyn´s culture PitchWise in Sarajevo. The theme of this year´s festival is »Misogyny, beware!«. Afterwards, the 20th City of Women festival focusing on »Survival tactics« and happening in October in Ljubljana will be presented by Teja Oblak. Finally, Klara Otorepec will analyse the widespread antifeminist Tumblr campaing »We don´t need feminism« and present the contrary motives and tactics of the important pro-feminist German campaing »Wer braucht feminismus?« (»Who needs feminism?«). Finally, the most interesting feminist round-up news will be served up.
All of us need feminism!
Saturday, September 13th, at 12.00, at Radio Študent (or later at the same link).
*On the picture: photo from the German campaing »Who needs feminism?« - the answer: »We need feminism, because our life decisions won´t be defined by our gender!«
2. sep. 2014
Okrogla miza o (post)jugoslovanskih feminizmih na festivalu PitchWise, 12.9.2014

Okrogla miza
Drug/ca (1978 – 2014)
„Ženska historija kroz
leće vremena u regiji“
Predavanje ima za cilj da okupi
aktivistkinje i feministkinje iz regije, kako
bi se podsjetile na značaj koji
je konferencija „Drug/ca“ iz 1978. imala za razvoj feminističkog pokreta na
prostorima bivše Jugoslavije, ali i civilnog sektora u cjelini. Uvodničarke su:
Milena Karapetrović (BiH), Gordana Stojaković (Srbija), Lepa Mlađenović
(Srbija), Zlatiborka Popov Momčinović (BiH), Željka Jelavić (Hrvatska), Ljubka
Kovačević (Crna Gora), Tea Hvala (Slovenija).
Petek, 12. september 2014, ob 10.00, Hotel
Saraj, Sarajevo
24. avg. 2014
Veliki blatar v Volčah in Solkanu
Veliki blatar potuje v Volče in Solkan!
V torek, 26. avgusta, ob 20h bo Pri Lukatelu v Volčah na Dnevih poezije in vina gostovala instalacija Damijana Kracine, podprta z mojo zgodbo Izvajanje velikega blatarja in njenim kolektivnim video nadaljevanjem Evakuacija Cankarjevega doma.
Veliki blatar bo gostoval tudi na razstavi Damijana Kracine "Več kot eden / Piu di Uno" v Galeriji Dimenzija napredka v Solkanu (Velika pot 15, poslovna cona Solkan). Na razstavi sodelujejo še Vladimir Leben, Katarina Toman Kracina, Alenka Pirman, Jani Pirnat, Sašo Kalan, Ivan Jakac, Rok Kunaver, Ajda Toman, Matevž Paternoster, Ana Ličina in Jaka Mihelič. Kustosinja: Klavdija Figelj
Odprtje: petek, 12. september, ob 20h
V torek, 26. avgusta, ob 20h bo Pri Lukatelu v Volčah na Dnevih poezije in vina gostovala instalacija Damijana Kracine, podprta z mojo zgodbo Izvajanje velikega blatarja in njenim kolektivnim video nadaljevanjem Evakuacija Cankarjevega doma.
Veliki blatar bo gostoval tudi na razstavi Damijana Kracine "Več kot eden / Piu di Uno" v Galeriji Dimenzija napredka v Solkanu (Velika pot 15, poslovna cona Solkan). Na razstavi sodelujejo še Vladimir Leben, Katarina Toman Kracina, Alenka Pirman, Jani Pirnat, Sašo Kalan, Ivan Jakac, Rok Kunaver, Ajda Toman, Matevž Paternoster, Ana Ličina in Jaka Mihelič. Kustosinja: Klavdija Figelj
Odprtje: petek, 12. september, ob 20h
Galerija je odprta od ponedeljka do petka med 9 in 16 uro
Kontakt/contact: nullo@itt.si
13. jul. 2014
Sektor Ž: Feminizem, razredna moč in islam
V tokratni oddaji Ida H. recenzira kritično analizo orientalističnega diskurza na primeru
turške modernizacije in političnega projekta »nove ženske«, ki jo je pri
Mirovnem inštitutu pod naslovom Feminizem in islam letos izdala Ana Frank, strokovnjakinja za islam in turško družbo.
Sledi branje poglavja »Feminizem in razredna moč« iz knjige Where We Stand: Class Matters (2000). V njem ameriška esejistka in aktivistka bell hooks na bolečih primerih iz drugega vala ameriškega feminizma pojasni razliko med reformističnim in radikalnim/revolucionarnim feminizmom. O njegovi aktualnosti se lahko prepričate v prevodu Tee H.
O jutrišnjih volitvah poslancev in poslank v Državni zbor bomo molčale, ker Radiu Študent ne želimo nakopati globe za kršenje volilnega molka, si pa lahko zelo potiho, samo z očmi preberete protestno pismo skupine FemA ob izjavi stranke Mira Cerarja o splavu. Poanto pisma, ki je izvirno izšlo na spletni strani društva Zofijini ljubimci, bi se dalo strniti takole: kaj nam pomagata sekularna država in ustavno zajamčena pravica do abortusa, če vrhunski pravni strokovnjak meni, da prekinitev nosečnosti nasprotuje človekovemu življenju? Amen!
V soboto, 12. julija 2014, ob 12.00 v živo na Radiu Študent. Kasneje na tej povezavi.
Sledi branje poglavja »Feminizem in razredna moč« iz knjige Where We Stand: Class Matters (2000). V njem ameriška esejistka in aktivistka bell hooks na bolečih primerih iz drugega vala ameriškega feminizma pojasni razliko med reformističnim in radikalnim/revolucionarnim feminizmom. O njegovi aktualnosti se lahko prepričate v prevodu Tee H.
O jutrišnjih volitvah poslancev in poslank v Državni zbor bomo molčale, ker Radiu Študent ne želimo nakopati globe za kršenje volilnega molka, si pa lahko zelo potiho, samo z očmi preberete protestno pismo skupine FemA ob izjavi stranke Mira Cerarja o splavu. Poanto pisma, ki je izvirno izšlo na spletni strani društva Zofijini ljubimci, bi se dalo strniti takole: kaj nam pomagata sekularna država in ustavno zajamčena pravica do abortusa, če vrhunski pravni strokovnjak meni, da prekinitev nosečnosti nasprotuje človekovemu življenju? Amen!
V soboto, 12. julija 2014, ob 12.00 v živo na Radiu Študent. Kasneje na tej povezavi.
ana frank,
bell hooks,
razredna moč,
23. jun. 2014
Hermaphroditennacht exhibition in Vienna, June 27th 2014
VN Jaeger & Schwarzwald are celebrating the 1st anniversary of their artist-run space in Vienna. For the occasion, they collected several mail art contributions. I am happy that Deutsche Post delivered my Herm-Aphroditic Greetings from Krumme Lanke on time for the exhibition!
Exhibition of the mail art contributions with hermaphroditic greetings for the
celebration of the birthday of the torso:
Stoye-Cetin, Grit Hachmeister, Tea Hvala, Vinko Nino Jaeger,
intervention max, Elisabeth von Samsonow, Nodin Malyi - and maybe some
more people, as mail is still expected this week.
Celebration of one-year existence of VN JAEGER & SCHWARZWALD - artist run space.
Freitag, 27. Juni 2014, 13 h bis 0 h
VN Jaeger & Schwarzwald
Neustiftgasse 48/Ecke Neubaugasse
1070 Wien
Em Schwarzwald,
Tea Hvala,
VN Jaeger
13. jun. 2014
Sektor Ž: Gemeinsam sind Feminist_Innen stark! Richtig stark!

Junijski oddajo pripravljamo Ida Hiršenfelder, Tea Hvala in Teja Oblak.
Feministke smo skupaj najmočnejše! Richtig! Vabljene_i k poslušanju!
11. jun. 2014
"Performative Gestures Political Moves" Book Launch

Performative Gestures Political Moves book launch
and presentation of the Red Athena University Press
Thursday, June 19, 2014, 5 p.m.
Trubar Literature House, Ribji trg 2, entrance Stritarjeva 7, Ljubljana
The publication Performative Gestures Political Moves has aimed to foster a reflection on research positions and theoretical considerations of performativity, performance art, feminism, historisation and, above all, their political implications in/and/for the “continental Post-Socialist” condition. The Performative Gestures Political Moves has been published by the Red Athena University Press, a collaborative publishing project by the Centre for Women’s Studies Zagreb and trans-Yugoslav feminist scholars.
With contributions by Angela Dimitrakaki, Ana Peraica, Barbara Orel, Dunja Kukovec, Grupa Spomenik and DeLVe, Marija Ratković, Marina Gržinić, Martina Pachmanová, Milijana Babić, Suzana Milevska, Tea Hvala, Waldemar Tatarczuk
Edited by Katja Kobolt and Lana Zdravković
For orders and purchase contact: izdavastvo@zenstud.hr / Sandra Prlenda, Centre for Women’s Studies, Zagreb
Book price: 16 Eur
Language of the book: English
Publishers: City of Women – Association for the Promotion of Women in Culture, Kersnikova 4, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia www.cityofwomen.org and Red Athena University Press / Centre for Women’s Studies Dolac 8, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia www.zenstud.hr
Co-production of the presentation: Trubar Literature House
Funded by: ERSTE Stiftung
Predstavitev zbornika Performative Gestures Political Moves
in založniškega projekta Red Athena University Press
Četrtek, 19. junij 2014, 17.00
Trubarjeva hiša literature, Ribji trg 2, vhod Stritarjeva 7, Ljubljana
Zbornik Performative Gestures Political Moves doprinaša k refleksiji raziskovalnih pozicij in teoretskih premišljanj performativnosti, performansa, feminizma, historizacije in njihovih političnih implikacij v in za “kontinentalno postsocialistično” stanje. Publikacija Performative Gestures Political Moves je izšla kot nadaljevanje istoimenskega simpozija (v organizaciji Mesta žensk na ZRC SAZU, 2010) pri Red Athena University Press, založniškem projektu Centra za ženske studije Zagreb in transjugoslovanskih feminističnih akademičark.
S prispevki Angele Dimitrakaki, Ane Peraica, Barbare Orel, Dunje Kukovec, Grupe Spomenik in DeLVe, Marije Ratković, Marine Gržinić, Martine Pachmanove, Milijane Babić, Suzane Milevske, Tee Hvala, Waldemarja Tatarczuka
Uredili Katja Kobolt and Lana Zdravković
Naročanje: izdavastvo@zenstud.hr / Sandra Prlenda, Center za ženske studije, Zagreb
Cena: 16 EUR
Jezik knjige: angleški
Založnika: Mesto žensk – Društvo za promocijo žensk v kulturi, Kersnikova 4, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija www.cityofwomen.org in Red Athena University Press, Center za ženske studije, Dolac 8, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia www.zenstud.hr
Koprodukcija predstavitve: Trubar Literature House
Financira: ERSTE Stiftung
20. maj 2014
Meeting on Safer Public Spaces for Women, Lesbians and Trans* in Potsdam
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The "Overworked, underpaid" presentation in Tristeza, Berlin, May 17th 2014. (Photo: Tanja Škander) |
The blog Safer Public Spaces for Women, Lesbians and Trans* accompanies the meeting for WLT* activists working in Ljubljana and wider Berlin area, which took place in Potsdam between May 14th and 18th 2014. There, you can find info about it as well as other sources for discussing different views on what constitutes safer public spaces.
Safer Public Spaces for Women, Lesbians and Trans*
May 14th-18th 2014, HochLLand, Holzmarktstraße 12, Potsdam
The meeting was open to women, lesbians and trans* only. The film screening at Sputnik and the "Overworked, underpaid" presentation in Tristeza were open to all audiences.
In German, the asterisk or little star sign (*) is used at the end of words to denote inclusivity and a variety of self-identifications that are covered by umbrella terms. For example, the term trans* includes everyone whose gender identity differs from the one assigned at birth. The dash sign (_) is used similarly; to create a visual space in language for everyone who defines as other than woman or man (as in Aktivist_in). It is also known as the “the gender gap” sign.
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Summary of the discussion on main concerns about safer public spaces. (Photo: Tea Hvala) |
Why a meeting on safer public spaces?
The purpose of this meeting was not to question the political significance of safer public spaces, but to create an opportunity for the exchange of experience between women, lesbians and trans* (WLT*) activists who advocate and practice the concept of safer spaces for WLT* in different ways and circumstances. The idea was not to measure different approaches against each other, but to broaden the discussion about them in a supportive environment.
What does the term safer public space mean?
Obviously, it means different things to different people. The main aim of the meeting is to talk about what the term (as well as other terms that describe the idea, such as counterpublics, oppositional spaces, autonomous spaces, protected spaces, spaces by/for the oppressed) means to the participants.
Here is a provisional definition, proposed to situate the organizer and suggest a starting point for the debate: safety implies that everyone feels comfortable in the space: welcome, heard and respected. While physical (offline) spaces are at the core of the concept, media (radio, print, web) and online spaces (social media, forums, chat rooms) are going to be discussed as well. For a space to be public, it has to function both internally and externally. Internally, it has to offer a space for retreat, reflection, self-help, community-building and the articulation of issues that cannot be discussed elsewhere. Externally, it has to serve as a training ground for political agitation and education that targets other publics. From the external point of view, safer public spaces allow us to address society as a whole without having to put aside our identities; they allow us to introduce neglected issues to the official public sphere.
What was the program like?
See Program.
Who was the meeting for?
The meeting was open to WLT* activists from Ljubljana and wider Berlin area who are engaged in groups which maintain safer spaces for WLT*. It was also open to WLT* who do not consider themselves activists but wanted to participate. To see the list of guests, go to Participating groups.
Who prepared the meeting?
Tea Hvala conceptualized and organized the meeting during her three-month “Europa gestalten – Politische Bildung in Aktion“ studentship at HochDrei e. V. in cooperation with Ljubljana-based association KUD Mreža, and with the indispensable help of Tanja Škander. Both of them are going to participate at the meeting; Tea as the moderator, Tanja as the (geopolitical) translator.
Tea Hvala is a writer and organizer. She studied comparative literature, sociology of culture, and gender studies. She writes columns and essays on local feminist activism, grassroots media and public space reclaiming, most of which can be read on her blog Prepih. She co-hosts Sektor Ž, the only feminist radio show in Slovenia, and has co-organized the International Feminist and Queer Festival Rdeče zore (Red Dawns) from 2002 to 2013. Her book Rdečke razsajajo! (2011) is dedicated to the festival. Her most recent zine is called Stiff Smiles (2013).
Tanja Škander studied political science in Ljubljana and Bohemian studies in Brno. Currently, she is studying sociology of culture at the Viadrina University in Frankfurt (Oder). At the university, she works for the Office for Equal Opportunities. She also worked in the area of students’ labour rights and accessibility. She co-founded the student activist group Querschnitte and collaborated with LesMigraS / Lesbenberatung Berlin e.V. Currently she works for Notübernachtung für Frauen, the only shelter for women in Berlin which is open throughout the year.
The meeting would not be possible without precious conversations with Kathrin, Tab, Rüzgar, Valentin, Ida, the co-organizers of Red Dawns Festival and Lesbian-Feminist University. Thank you.
Who supported the meeting financially?
Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung and Robert Bosch Stiftung.

14. apr. 2014
Sektor Ž: Novo štetje / Feminizem v Romuniji
Drage feministke in feministi, tudi v tokratni oddaji za vas odpiramo aktualne debate o družbenih razmerah, ki pogojujejo življenja žensk. Teja Oblak se je pogovarjala s kolektivom Vstajniških socialnih delavk o izzivih ob nastajanju koledarja za feministično leto 158, ki so ga 8. marca 2014 predstavile na Rdečih zorah.
Tea Hvala se je pogovarjala z Irino Ilisei iz romunske feministične skupine Asociaţia FRONT: o tem, zakaj romske ženske v Romuniji tako težko dosežejo visokošolsko izobrazbo, o težavah pri uresničevanju novega zakona o preprečevanju nasilja v družini, o boju proti vključitvi posilstva v predlog zakona o mediaciji in o nevidnosti feminističnih zahtev na množičnih protivladnih protestih, ki v Bukarešti potekajo že od leta 2012.
V eter vam bom prišepetovala Ida H.
Sobota, 12. april 2014 ob 12h na Radiu Študent. Posnetek oddaje je dostopen tukaj.
In this show: Teja Oblak interviews Vstajniške socialne delavke (Uprising Social Workers) about the making of their calendar for the feminist year 158 which introduces a new calendar era.
Tea Hvala interviews political scientist and activist Irina Ilisei, the co-founder of Romanian feminist group Asociatia FRONT, who discusses the obstacles faced by Roma women who want to enter the higher education system, the reasons for the difficult implementation of the new law on domestic violence prevention, the struggle against the inclusion of rape in te new law proposal on mediation, and the invisibility of feminist claims at the ongoing anti-government protests in Bucharest.
The show is led by Ida H.
Saturday, April 12th 2014 at 12.00 at Radio Študent. The recording is available here.
Asociatia FRONT,
Sektor Ž,
Vstajniške socialne delavke
6. apr. 2014
15 Years of Red Dawns Fest: Exhibition and Discussion
It has been 15 years since the conception of the Red Dawns Festival. To commemorate this event, the 2014 team organized an exhibition of posters that visually defined each festival edition. Different motifs demonstrate how the festival has been transforming throughout the years, how it evolved from a women's pocket festival and international women's festival to an international feminist and queer fest.
As with the festival's program, the choice of the poster for each festival was motivated by the groups' desire to give an opportunity to young and innovative female artists who could represent Red Dawns well. Throughout the years, many artists have visualized the festival: Antje Schrimer and Dragana Rajković (the first poster), Zvonka Simčič, Tanja Vujinovič and duo Phant&Puntza, Anna Ehrlemark (the first one in co-operation with Igor Hofbauer), Leigh San Juan, Ana Baraga, Nives Marković and Ana Čigon who designed the latest 2014 poster.
At the opening on March 6th 2014 in Menza pri koritu, Danijela Zajc lead a discussion with the co-founder of the Red Dawns, Nataša Serec, and the long-term program team member, Tea Hvala.
Photo by Rebeka Bernetič. The video was recorded and edited by Nika Autor.
Danijela Zajc,
Nataša Serec,
rdeče zore,
red dawns,
Tea Hvala
12. mar. 2014
Sektor Ž: Rdeče so rdeče so rdeče so rdeče
V osmomarčevski oddaji Sektor Ž smo se oglašale s 15. Feminističnega in queer festivala Rdeče zore, ki je potekal od 6. in 8. marcem 2014 v Ljubljani.
Rdečke so nas razžarile z delavnicami in nastopi s področja performansa in DJ-janja, koncerti grrl in feministične alter glasbe, razstavama feministično-lezbične produkcije in vizualne podobe festivala Rdečih zor skozi leta, predstavitvijo feminističnega koledarja, diskusijo o možnostih radikaliziranja feminizma, z večerom poezije in Feminističnim wikimaratonom.
Ida Hiršenfelder in Teja Oblak sta v živo v studiu gostili posebni gostji festivala Rdeče zore, Martyno Hormańsko aka Zdrado Pałki, pop/elektro/kitsch queer DJ-jko in glasbenico iz Poljske/Nemčije ter Alenko Spacal, vizualno umetnico in teoretičarko, ki se je na pregledni razstavi "Skozi njene oči: utrinki feministično-lezbične produkcije" v Galeriji Alkatraz predstavila z ilustracijami iz svoje avtorske slikanice Mavrična maškarada.
Po javljanju v živo je Klara Otorepec komentirala razsodbo Slovenske oglaševalske zbornice, ki je zavrnila več pritožb na sporne seksistične plakate in sicer oglas »Glej na cesto!« družbe Zavarovalnica Maribor, obcestni in televizijski oglas »Kliči T2 za T4!« družbe T2 in »MINGL. Totalno neomejen.« oglaševalca družbe Tušmobil.
Dol z objektivizacijo ženskega telesa! Živel 8. marec! Zore so čisto pordečele!
Sobota, 8. marec 2014 ob 12h na Radiu Študent. Posnetek oddaje je dostopen tukaj.
13. feb. 2014
Presentation of 'Stiff Smiles' in Vienna, Feb. 21st 2014
Stiff Smiles, a new art zine by Tea Hvala
followed by the presentation of the book by Tea Hvala (ed.) about Red Dawns Festival Rdečke razsajajo! Intervjuji z organizatorkami feminističnega in kvirovskega festivala Rdeče zore (KUD Mreža, Ljubljana, 2010)
presentation of Red Dawns Festival 2014 by Slobodan Malić.
Entrance fee € 2.-
Tea Hvala
Togi nasmehi / Stiff Smiles
Self-published, Ljubljana, 2013
A5, 32 pages, 7 b/w photos
in Slovene / English
A pessimistic take on the flexibilisaton of labour, or an essay comparing what cannot be compared: long-term, collective and manual factory labour during Yugoslav state socialism with, on the other hand, flexible, individual, and project-based intellectual work in neoliberal times.
The art zine Stiff Smiles features a modified version of the essay, first published in: Aleš Čar, Tanja Petrič (eds.): The State of Matters: Anthology of Perspectives & Reflections, Ljubljana, UMco, 2012, pp. 82-85. Photos are taken from Jubilejni zbornik: 35 let Iskre, Industrije za telekomunikacije, elektrotehniko in elektromehaniko Kranj, Kranj, 1981. Tea Hvala's portrait was taken by Nino Vinko Jaeger.
»With whom are you to take a picture, if you are a contract worker, if your jobs come and go? With whom, if your co-workers constantly change, and with whom, if you work from the employer’s home or even in your own room?«
»The flexible job, if she has one, dictates her sloppiness, distance, risk, mobility. Therefore, when she wishes for safety, she feels old. When she wishes for permanence and stability, she feels like a coward. When she commits herself to her work completely, she is regarded as naive. When she tries more than it is necessary, she gets the feeling of being foolish. When she tries to construct her own life story from countless fragments, she feels like she has nothing to lean on. Sometimes she feels like she doesn’t even exist. How is she to face all this uncertainty?«
Tea Hvala (ed.)
Rdečke razsajajo!
Intervjuji z organizatorkami feminističnega in kvirovskega festivala Rdeče zore
KUD Mreža, Ljubljana, 2010
A5, 104 pages 32 b/w photos
in Slovene / English
In 2010, on the 10th anniversary of Feminist and Queer Festival Red Dawns (in Slovene, Rdeče zore), Tea Hvala interviewed seventeen former and current festival organizers about their contribution to the visibility of feminist and queer publics in Slovenia. She juxtaposed these insights with feminist political theory of counterpublics, and framed the theme in the context of the recent history of feminist, lesbian and queer organizing in Ljubljana, as well as the contemporary current of transnational DIY grassroots feminism.
Interviewees: Anna Ehrlemark, Mirjana Frank, Danaja Grešak, Ana Grobler, Jasmina Jerant, Ana Jereb, Anja Kocman, Jadranka Ljubičič, Urška Merc, Slađana Mitrović, Lidija Radojević, Nataša Serec, Tanja Škander, Suzana Tratnik, Daša Tepina and Vesna Vravnik. Interviews with Anna Ehrlemark and Jasmina Jerant are in English, the rest of the book is in Slovene. Cover by Anna Ehrlemark.
"Red Dawns continues to play an important role as an explicit point of artistic, political or philosophic identification with feminist or queer perspectives. (...) If you accept this frame of reference, you have to accept the consequences since people are going to associate you with it, and in that sense, I think that continuity of feminism is of essential importance. It is a deliberate move away from universality as well as an idea that brought us together. (...) The bottom line is that these alternative spaces are developing strong and critical perspective on society. They are marginal and fabulous." – Slađana Mitrović
The publication of this book was supported by many donators, The Municipality of Ljubljana – Youth Office, and the Ministry of Education and Sports – Youth Office.
Tea Hvala is a writer and organizer with a BA in Comparative Literature, BA in Sociology of Culture, and MA in Gender Studies. She has been facilitating In Other Wor(l)ds, workshops in collaborative writing of feminist-queer science fiction since 2008. Her recent co-edited books include Svetovi drugih (2010) and Rdečke razsajajo! (2011), her essays about local feminist activism and public space reclaiming have been published in several academic anthologies. She co-hosts Sektor Ž, a monthly feminist radio show at Radio Študent, and has been co-organizing the International Feminist and Queer Festival Rdeče zore (Red Dawns) since 2002. Her most recent self-published art zine is called Stiff Smiles (2013).
Stiff Smiles, a new art zine by Tea Hvala
followed by the presentation of the book by Tea Hvala (ed.) about Red Dawns Festival Rdečke razsajajo! Intervjuji z organizatorkami feminističnega in kvirovskega festivala Rdeče zore (KUD Mreža, Ljubljana, 2010)
presentation of Red Dawns Festival 2014 by Slobodan Malić.
Friday, February 21th at 19h at VN JAEGER & SCHWARZWALD - artist run space, Neustiftgasse 48, 1070 Vienna
Entrance fee € 2.-
Tea Hvala
Togi nasmehi / Stiff Smiles
Self-published, Ljubljana, 2013
A5, 32 pages, 7 b/w photos
in Slovene / English
A pessimistic take on the flexibilisaton of labour, or an essay comparing what cannot be compared: long-term, collective and manual factory labour during Yugoslav state socialism with, on the other hand, flexible, individual, and project-based intellectual work in neoliberal times.
The art zine Stiff Smiles features a modified version of the essay, first published in: Aleš Čar, Tanja Petrič (eds.): The State of Matters: Anthology of Perspectives & Reflections, Ljubljana, UMco, 2012, pp. 82-85. Photos are taken from Jubilejni zbornik: 35 let Iskre, Industrije za telekomunikacije, elektrotehniko in elektromehaniko Kranj, Kranj, 1981. Tea Hvala's portrait was taken by Nino Vinko Jaeger.
»With whom are you to take a picture, if you are a contract worker, if your jobs come and go? With whom, if your co-workers constantly change, and with whom, if you work from the employer’s home or even in your own room?«
»The flexible job, if she has one, dictates her sloppiness, distance, risk, mobility. Therefore, when she wishes for safety, she feels old. When she wishes for permanence and stability, she feels like a coward. When she commits herself to her work completely, she is regarded as naive. When she tries more than it is necessary, she gets the feeling of being foolish. When she tries to construct her own life story from countless fragments, she feels like she has nothing to lean on. Sometimes she feels like she doesn’t even exist. How is she to face all this uncertainty?«
Tea Hvala (ed.)
Rdečke razsajajo!
Intervjuji z organizatorkami feminističnega in kvirovskega festivala Rdeče zore
KUD Mreža, Ljubljana, 2010
A5, 104 pages 32 b/w photos
in Slovene / English
In 2010, on the 10th anniversary of Feminist and Queer Festival Red Dawns (in Slovene, Rdeče zore), Tea Hvala interviewed seventeen former and current festival organizers about their contribution to the visibility of feminist and queer publics in Slovenia. She juxtaposed these insights with feminist political theory of counterpublics, and framed the theme in the context of the recent history of feminist, lesbian and queer organizing in Ljubljana, as well as the contemporary current of transnational DIY grassroots feminism.
Interviewees: Anna Ehrlemark, Mirjana Frank, Danaja Grešak, Ana Grobler, Jasmina Jerant, Ana Jereb, Anja Kocman, Jadranka Ljubičič, Urška Merc, Slađana Mitrović, Lidija Radojević, Nataša Serec, Tanja Škander, Suzana Tratnik, Daša Tepina and Vesna Vravnik. Interviews with Anna Ehrlemark and Jasmina Jerant are in English, the rest of the book is in Slovene. Cover by Anna Ehrlemark.
"Red Dawns continues to play an important role as an explicit point of artistic, political or philosophic identification with feminist or queer perspectives. (...) If you accept this frame of reference, you have to accept the consequences since people are going to associate you with it, and in that sense, I think that continuity of feminism is of essential importance. It is a deliberate move away from universality as well as an idea that brought us together. (...) The bottom line is that these alternative spaces are developing strong and critical perspective on society. They are marginal and fabulous." – Slađana Mitrović
The publication of this book was supported by many donators, The Municipality of Ljubljana – Youth Office, and the Ministry of Education and Sports – Youth Office.
Tea Hvala is a writer and organizer with a BA in Comparative Literature, BA in Sociology of Culture, and MA in Gender Studies. She has been facilitating In Other Wor(l)ds, workshops in collaborative writing of feminist-queer science fiction since 2008. Her recent co-edited books include Svetovi drugih (2010) and Rdečke razsajajo! (2011), her essays about local feminist activism and public space reclaiming have been published in several academic anthologies. She co-hosts Sektor Ž, a monthly feminist radio show at Radio Študent, and has been co-organizing the International Feminist and Queer Festival Rdeče zore (Red Dawns) since 2002. Her most recent self-published art zine is called Stiff Smiles (2013).
rdeče zore,
rdečke razsajajo,
red dawns,
Stiff smiles,
Togi nasmehi,
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