Festival Cmakajne 2014, CMAK, Cerkno
Ana Čigon, Tea Hvala
Ulica spomina na ženske
Video projekcija s sprehodom po Cerknem
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Posnetek iz videa Ljubljana, mesto žensk (2013) |
Sledil bo sprehod, na katerem bomo preštele/i imena cerkljanskih
ulic, ki so poimenovane po ženskah. V primeru slabega vremena si bomo v CMAK-u ogledale/i
celovečerni film.
Delovna verzija videa Odkritje mačke v žaklju (2014)
je nastala v okviru istoimenskega projekta Ane Čigon. Video Ljubljana, mesto
žensk (2013) je posnela v sodelovanju z umetnicami Lejo
Jurišić, Tejo Reba in Barbaro Kapelj Osredkar v
okviru projekta Hodim za tabo in gledam
te, s katerim so se predstavile na lanskem festivalu Mesto
Dogodek je brezplačen in odprt za vse.
Sobota, 20. september 2014, ob 17.00, CMAK, Cerkno
Celoten program festivala Cmakajne si lahko ogledate tukaj.
Na tej povezavi lahko poslušate radijsko oddajo Alterica (Radio Odmev), v kateri sva s Katarino Štucin 6. septembra predstavili letošnji festival.
Priporočamo tudi obisk instalacije / performansa Hodim za tabo in gledam te, ki bo v nedeljo, 7. septembra, ob 11.00 in 16.00 pod vodstvom Barbare Kapelj Osredkar in Leje Jurišić krenil/a s Pogačarjevega trga v Ljubljani. Več na spletni strani Mesta žensk.
Ana Čigon je na ljubljanski Akademiji za likovno umetnost in
oblikovanje zaključila dodiplomski študij slikarstva in magistrski študij
videa. Končala je tudi magistrski študij Interface Cultures na
Kunstuniversitaet Linz v Avstriji. Deluje na področju videa, performansa in
novih medijev. V svojih novejših umetniških
projektih se ukvarja z vprašanjem podreprezentiranosti žensk v umetnosti in problematizira
uveljavljene vzorce zgodovinjenja umetnosti. www.anacigon.si
Hvala je sociologinja in publicistka z
magisterijem iz antropologije spolov. Piše o feminističnemu aktivizmu, medijih in umetnosti. Na Radiu Študent s sodelavkami pripravlja Sektor Ž, edino
feministično radijsko oddajo v Sloveniji. Med letoma 2002 in 2013 je soorganizirala festival Rdeče zore, kateremu je posvetila tudi knjigo Rdečke razsajajo! (2011). prepih.blogspot.com
Women's Remembrance Street at Cmakajne festival
On September 20th at 17.00, you are invited to Cmakajne festival (at CMAK, Cerkno), to the public viewing of two short videos-in-progress by artist Ana Čigon. “Odkritje mačke v žaklju” (2014) and “Ljubljana, mesto žensk” (2013) address the (absence of) memorials, dedicated to women in Ljubljana. The first video was made as part of her same-titled project, the second was made in collaboration with artists Leja Jurušić, Teja Reba and Barbara Kapelj Osredkar as part of their joint project “I'm Walking Behind You and Watching You”, which premiered at last year’s City of Women festival.
Which women who shaped our history are still remembered? Who has been forgotten? Why is the visibility of women in public space a feminist issue that concerns women and men of all generations? These are some of the questions that are going to be discussed after the screening, led by sociologist, writer and former Red Dawns festival co-organizer Tea Hvala.
The event will conclude with a walk, where the participants will count the number of streets in Cerkno, which are named after women. In case of rain, the walk is going to be replaced by a feature film screening.
No entrance fee. Open to all. In Slovene.
Women's Remembrance Street at Cmakajne festival
On September 20th at 17.00, you are invited to Cmakajne festival (at CMAK, Cerkno), to the public viewing of two short videos-in-progress by artist Ana Čigon. “Odkritje mačke v žaklju” (2014) and “Ljubljana, mesto žensk” (2013) address the (absence of) memorials, dedicated to women in Ljubljana. The first video was made as part of her same-titled project, the second was made in collaboration with artists Leja Jurušić, Teja Reba and Barbara Kapelj Osredkar as part of their joint project “I'm Walking Behind You and Watching You”, which premiered at last year’s City of Women festival.
Which women who shaped our history are still remembered? Who has been forgotten? Why is the visibility of women in public space a feminist issue that concerns women and men of all generations? These are some of the questions that are going to be discussed after the screening, led by sociologist, writer and former Red Dawns festival co-organizer Tea Hvala.
The event will conclude with a walk, where the participants will count the number of streets in Cerkno, which are named after women. In case of rain, the walk is going to be replaced by a feature film screening.
No entrance fee. Open to all. In Slovene.
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