English version below. Facebook event here.
Tea Hvala: Razkorak
knjige in razstava fotografij
petek, 18. novembra 2016, ob 19:00
Križišče, C.M.A.K. Cerkno
bo na ogled do 2. decembra 2016
Opotekavemu plesu prepuščanja in zadrževanja, tej čustveni razdvojenosti, je sledila čutna in kar naenkrat so bili grafiti gora videti prepričljivejši od resničnih gora nad Vancouvrom.
Razstavljene fotografije sem posnela pred trinajstimi leti na zahodni obali Kanade in ZDA. Fotografirala sem, ker so me besede pustile na cedilu. Tistega, česar nisem znala ubesediti, tudi na fotografijah ni, zato gledalko Razkoraka postavljam pred nemogočo nalogo, rekoč: glej in skušaj videti tisto, kar se je izmuznilo objektivu. (Tea Hvala)
Tea Hvala je marsikaj, le fotografinja ni. Kot feministka, esejistka, kritičarka, prevajalka in avtorica radijskih oddaj večino časa brusi besede, ob tej priložnosti pa se z veseljem vrača k svoji stari ljubezni. Fotografijo je spoznavala v študentskih letih; podnevi na delavnicah Dušana Piriha Hupa v KUD-u France Prešeren, ponoči v ŠOLT-ovi temnici. Fotografije protestov proti IMF in Svetovni banki v Pragi je razstavila v baru Filozofske fakultete, ko se je tam še kadilo od čikov in zagnanosti. O fotografijah delovnih kolektivov v socializmu in današnjem kapitalizmu je pisala v knjižici Togi nasmehi (samozaložba, 2013).
Razkorak je njena prva fotoknjiga. Izšla je pri založbi Look Back and Laugh Books.
Knjiga je izšla s podporo Občine Cerkno. Razstavo je omogočil C.M.A.K. Cerkno.
Knjiga je izšla s podporo Občine Cerkno. Razstavo je omogočil C.M.A.K. Cerkno.
Prodajna mesta.
Tea Hvala: Discord
Book presentation and photo exhibition
Friday, November 18th 2016, at 19:00
Križišče Gallery, C.M.A.K. Cerkno
The exhibition will be on view until December 2nd
Our staggering dance of surrender and hesitation, our emotional dissonance, led to a discord of the senses and all of a sudden, the graffiti of mountains seemed more convincing than the mountains rising above Vancouver.
The exhibited photos were taken thirteen years ago on the West Coast of Canada and the United States. I was taking pictures because I was abandoned by words. The things I couldn’t put to words didn’t make it to the pictures either, which is why I ask the viewer of Discord to do the impossible: to notice that which has escaped the camera. (Tea Hvala)
Tea Hvala is not a photographer. As a feminist, essayist, critic, translator and radio maker, she spends most of her time sharpening words. For this occasion, she has returned to her old love, photography, with pleasure. She began to get acquainted with photography during her studies in Ljubljana: at Dušan Pirih Hup’s workshops in KUD France Prešeren by day and in ŠOLT’s darkroom by night. Her photos of protests against the IMF and World Bank in Prague were exhibited in the bar of Ljubljana’s Faculty of Arts at a time when it still swirled with cigarette smoke and ideas. She wrote about photos of workers’ collectives in socialism and today’s capitalism in her self-published zine Stiff Smiles (2013).
Discord is her first photobook. It was published by Look Back and Laugh Books.
Where to buy the book.
The publication of the book was supported by the Municipality of Cerkno. The exhibition was made possible by C.M.A.K. Cerkno.
Discord is her first photobook. It was published by Look Back and Laugh Books.
Where to buy the book.
The publication of the book was supported by the Municipality of Cerkno. The exhibition was made possible by C.M.A.K. Cerkno.

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