V marčevski oddaji bomo delile vtise z Mednarodnega feminističnega in kvirovskega festivala Rdeče zore in Festivala Deuje Babe, ki sta v prvi polovici marca potekala na relaciji Ljubljana - Cerkno. Bilo je feministično, kvirovsko, prevratniško, norčavo, solidarno in zabavno! Prisluhnile_i boste lahko kolažu intervjujev in predavanj ter pevskih, performerskih, pripovedovalskih, filmskih in glasbenih presežkov z obeh festivalov.
Marčevsko oddajo Sektor Ž pripravljamo Tea Hvala, Klara Otorepec in Teja Oblak. Slišimo se na znani feministični frekvenci!
Sobota, 19. marec 2016, ob 12h v živo na Radiu Študent. Kasneje v arhivu.
Na sliki: razstava Nevene Aleksovski "Zora je prvič roza" v izložbi Pešaki, 17. Rdeče zore (izsek iz fotografije Rebeke Bernetič; vir)
The March edition of Sektor Ž features our impressions from the International Feminist and Queer Festival Rdeče zore (Red Dawns) in Ljubljana and Festival Deuje Babe (Wild Hags) in Cerkno, both of which took place in early March. It was feminist, queer, subversive and ludicrous, there was solidarity and fun! Tune in to our collage of interviews and snippets from the best lectures, performances, singing and storytelling events, film screenings and concerts at the festivals.
The March edition of Sektor Ž is made by Tea Hvala, Klara Otorepec and Teja Oblak. Tune in to the familiar feminist frequency!
Saturday, March 19th 2016, at 12h - live at Radio Študent. Later, in our archive.
Pic: exhibition of Nevena Aleksovski "The Dawn is pink for the first time", Night Window Display Gallery Pešak, 17th Red Dawns (photo-cut from photography by Rebeka Bernetič; source)
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