23. jun. 2017
The WisCon Chronicles Vol. 11: Trials by Whiteness
The American science fiction publisher Aqueduct Press recently released The WisCon Chronicles Vol. 11: Trials by Whiteness, edited by Jaymee Goh.
In her introduction, Jaymee Goh writes: "Beautiful ones, we come to WisCon because through science fiction and fantasy, we know better than to simply accept the status quo. Why should we be as Caliban, whose only profit form the language of his colonizer is to curse in't? Can we not re-shape it--have we not re-shaped it for our own ends?"
In short fiction, poetry, personal essays, academic thinkpieces, Twitter rants, and informal Q&As, this volume begins conversations on liberation and limitations, intergenerational and international conflicts, intra-community and internal tensions.
The anthology features an excerpt from my short story "Ansible" in Slovene and English as well as a Q&A with the editor, entitled "Far Away Enough to Count".
Full Contents
The volume is available in both print and e-book editions now at at www.aqueductpress.com.
Sektor Ž: Prihodnost (brez) pravic
V junijski ediciji oddaje Sektor Ž, zadnji pred poletnim premorom, so se sodelavke v pogovoru s Sonjo Lokar iz
Ženskega lobija Slovenije posvetile uveljavljanju ženskih pravic na ravni
Evropske unije ter vlogi Evropskega parlamenta pri
širjenju enakosti med spoloma. Sledila je radijska dramatizacija kratkega odlomka iz distopičnega
romana Deklina zgodba Margaret Atwood v prevodu Miriam Drev (Mladinska knjiga, 1990). O romanu se dvaintrideset let po nastanku upravičeno govori zaradi njegove ekranizacije (Handmaid's Tale, HBO, 2017) in Heinejeve nagrade za mir, ki jo je Atwood pred kratkim prejela "za politično intuicijo pri prepoznavanju nevarnih trendov".
Junijsko edicijo so pripravile Anamarija Šiša, Klara Otorepec in Ana Reberc.
Na sporedu Radia Študent je bila v soboto, 17. junija, ob 12h, zdaj jo najdete v arhivu. Tune in!
Junijsko edicijo so pripravile Anamarija Šiša, Klara Otorepec in Ana Reberc.
Na sporedu Radia Študent je bila v soboto, 17. junija, ob 12h, zdaj jo najdete v arhivu. Tune in!
Izšel je Stripburger št. 69!
Z zamudo, a vseeno: konec maja je izšla 69. številka Stripburgerja. V njej poleg odlični stripov najdete tudi mojo recenzijo slovenskega prevoda stripa Kate Evans Rdeča Rosa, ki je izšel lani pri založbi VigeVageKnjige.
Better late than never: the new, 69th issue of Stripburger is out! Among many great comics, interviews and reviews, it includes my review of the Slovene translation of Kate Evan's Red Rosa (VigeVageKnjige, 2016).
Kazalo / Table of contents
Better late than never: the new, 69th issue of Stripburger is out! Among many great comics, interviews and reviews, it includes my review of the Slovene translation of Kate Evan's Red Rosa (VigeVageKnjige, 2016).
Kazalo / Table of contents
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May 2017, A4, 96 pages, (19 full color pages), offset print |
kate evans,
rdeča rosa,
red rosa,
Tea Hvala,
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