aprilsko edicijo Sektorja Ž smo za vas izbrale najzanimivejše dele
predavanja in pogovora z ameriško sociologinjo, komunistko in seksualno
delavko Mayo Andreo Gonzales. Maya z marksistično-feministične
perspektive razmišlja o seksualnem delu v okviru kapitalističnega
patriarhata in preko tega poskuša razumeti položaj žensk v sodobnih
družbah, pa tudi širše trende na področju dela v neoliberalnem
kapitalizmu. Predstavile bomo problematiko seksualnega dela, Mayine
izkušnje in razmisleke o tej temi, vprašale pa smo jo tudi za tokratni
feministični nasvet.
Aprila sta se za male pare z ljubeznijo prodali Šiša in Antonija.
Sobota, 15. april 2017, ob 12h v živo na Radiu Študent, kasneje v arhivu.
For the April edition of Sektor Ž (Sector F), we have chosen some of the most interesting parts of the lecture and interview with Maya Andrea Gonzales. Maya theorizes sex work from a marxist-feminist perspective, thus trying to understand the position of women in contemporary societies, as well as the general trends in the field of labor under neoliberal capitalism. We will present the issues around sex work, Maya's experience and thoughts on the topic.
Saturday, April 15th 2017, at 12h - live at Radio Študent, later in our archive.
Aprila sta se za male pare z ljubeznijo prodali Šiša in Antonija.
Sobota, 15. april 2017, ob 12h v živo na Radiu Študent, kasneje v arhivu.
For the April edition of Sektor Ž (Sector F), we have chosen some of the most interesting parts of the lecture and interview with Maya Andrea Gonzales. Maya theorizes sex work from a marxist-feminist perspective, thus trying to understand the position of women in contemporary societies, as well as the general trends in the field of labor under neoliberal capitalism. We will present the issues around sex work, Maya's experience and thoughts on the topic.
Saturday, April 15th 2017, at 12h - live at Radio Študent, later in our archive.