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Jordan Reyne na Mestu žensk, foto Nada Žgank |
I sing the body electric
V oktobrskem Sektorju Ž se sprašujemo, kako to, da je dr. Marjana Dolgana, avtorja Literarnega atlasa Ljubljane, začel “preganjati čas” (Delo, 30.10.2014) ravno takrat, ko bi moral v to enciklopedično delo vključiti književnice - in odgovarjamo s protestnim pismom Društva Vita Activa ter portala spol.si.
Sledi prispevek o še eni odsotnosti. Tea H. je v nemškem Halleju obiskala queerovsko-feministični festival kju_point, kjer je intervjuvala Helen Hahmann, izkušeno soustvarjalko skupnostnega radia Corax. Spregovorila je o svojem videnju razlogov, zakaj na radijskih postajah, tudi Coraxu, še vedno dela precej manj žensk kot moških, in o prizadevanjih, da bi k sooblikovanju radia privabila več ljudi, ki se opredeljujejo kot ženske.
Oddajo bo sklenila reportaža z dogodka, ki uteleša vidnosti umetnic: 21. festivala Mesto žensk. Klara O. bo govorila o nastopu pevskega zbora Praksa (Kino Šiška), okrogli mizi Mreža kulturnih praks družbenega spola JV Evrope (Galerija ŠKUC), filmu Moja sestra suhica (Kinodvor), predstavi Gotharama (Stara mestna elektrarna - Elektro Ljubljana) in animaciji Kamenje v mojem žepu (Kinodvor). Obravnavale bomo tudi okroglo mizo Ženske-umetnost-politika (Atrij ZRC) in priložnostno izdajo Časopisa za kritiko znanosti o “Mestu žensk” in “Zamolčanih zgodovinah”.
Vabljene_i k poslušanju v soboto, 17. oktobra, ob 12h v živo na Radiu Študent. Kasneje v arhivu.
In the October edition of Sektor Ž (Sector F), we wonder how is it possible that dr. Marjan Dolgan, the author of the encyclopaedic Literarni atlas Ljubljane (Atlas of Literature in Ljubljana) “ran out of time” (Delo, 30.10.2014) just when it was time to include women writers in the book - and we respond by publishing the protest letter, written by association Vita Activa and webpage spol.si.
The next feature is about another absence. Tea H. visited the queer-feminist festival kju_point in Halle, Germany, where she interviewed Helen Hahmann, the experienced radio maker and board member of Halle’s community radio station Corax. Helen Hahmann addressed the gender asymmetry at Radio Corax and other radio stations, and explained the educational efforts Corax has been making in order to attract more female-identified authors.
We will round up the show with a report from a festival that embodies the visibility of women artists: the 21st City of Women festival. We will speak about the concert of the choir Praksa, the Cultural Gender Practices Network of the South-Eastern Europe panel discussion, the film My Skinny Sister, the performance Gotharama, the animated film Rocks in my Pockets, and the panel discussion Women-Art-Politics, accompanied by the presentation of the special issue of Journal for the Critique of Science (ČKZ) on “City of Women” and “Silenced Histories”.
Tune in! Saturday, October 17th at 12.00 live at Radio Študent. Later in our archive.
The title of the show taken from Walt Whitman's poem "I sing the body electric" (Leaves of Grass, 1856)
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