Majsko oddajo Sektor Ž posvečamo feminističnim kritikam psihoanalize in feministični psihoanalizi. Med njima nam bo pomagala razlikovati dr. Ana Makuc, literarna komparativistka, doktorica ženskih študij in študij spolov, pesnica, prevajalka, učiteljica in sodelavka festivala Rdeče zore. V intervjuju bo govora o zgodovinskih razlogih za odpor mnogih feministk do psihoanalize, o pomembnih psihoanalitičarkah, teoriji intersubjektivnosti Jessice Benjamin in o tem, ali v Ljubljani obstaja feministična psihoanalitična “šola”. Končni postanek: psihoanalitično branje kiperpanka, poezije in psihoanalitičnih teoretičark. Prej in potem: novičke in napovedi dogodkov. Se slišimo!
V soboto, 16. maja, ob 12.00 v živo na Radiu Študent ali kasneje v arhivu oddaje.
Na sliki delo Louise Bourgeois Uničenje očeta (1974), vir.
The May edition of Sektor Ž is dedicated to feminist critiques of psychoanalysis and feminist psychoanalysis. Our guest dr. Ana Makuc is going to help us distinguish between the two. The literary theorist, women’s and gender studies expert, poet, translator, teacher and Red Dawns Fest co-organizer is going to discuss the historic reasons for the resistance of many feminists to psychoanalysis, important women psychoanalysts, Jessica Benjamin’s theory of intersubjectivity and the possible existence of Ljubljana’s very own feminist psychoanalytic “school”. She will also offer a psychoanalytic reading of cyberpunk, poetry and psychoanalytic theorists. Before and after: news and event announcements.
Saturday, May 16th, at 12.00, live on Radio Študent , or later in the archive.
On the picture: Louise Bourgeois' sculpture The destruction of the father (1974), source.