Gledati, brati, poslušati ... feminizem
Januarska edicija Sektorja Ž bo malce drugačna, saj jo posvečamo “feminizmu v zvoku, besedi in sliki.” Predstavile bomo nabor feministične glasbe, literature in filmov, za katerega si je v letu 2015 (morda ponovno) koristno vzeti čas. Lani smo v oddajah več časa namenile reportažam s feminističnih dogodkov in intervjujem z aktivistkami - zdaj je čas za feministično izobraževanje.
Na področju literature se bomo posvetile feministični kritiki filma in popularne kulture. Na področju glasbe bomo nekaj misli namenile pojavu “pop feminizma”, ki ima nekaj najvidnejših predstavnic ravno v glasbeni industriji, in pojavu “apropriacije ženstvenosti” v svetu eletronske (in indie) glasbe.
Ob koncu sledijo napovedi najzanimivejših feminističnih dogodkov in izjava meseca. Januarsko oddajo pripravljata Klara Otorepec in Tea Hvala.
Vabljene_i k poslušanju!
V soboto, 10. januarja, ob 12.00 v živo na Radiu Študent (ali kasneje na tej povezavi).
Feminism in sound, words and image
The January edition of Sektor Ž will be slightly different for we shall dedicate it to “feminism in sound, words and image.” We are going to present a selection of feminist music, literature and films which, we believe, is worthy of your time (perhaps for the second time) in 2015. Last year, our show was mainly focused on reports from feminist event and interviews with activists - now it’s time for feminist education.
In the field of literature, we will focus on feminist critique of film and popular culture. In the field of music, we will talk about the phenomenon of “pop feminism” (some of its most visible representatives are found in the music industry), and about the phenomenon of “feminine appropriation” in the world of electronic (and indie) music.
At the end of January edition you can find out when and where the most interesting feminist events will be taking place in the following weeks and hear this month’s “statement of the month”. The January edition is made by Klara Otorepec and Tea Hvala.
Tune in!
Saturday, January 10th at 12.00 live at Radio Student, Ljubljana (or later, here).
Januarska edicija Sektorja Ž bo malce drugačna, saj jo posvečamo “feminizmu v zvoku, besedi in sliki.” Predstavile bomo nabor feministične glasbe, literature in filmov, za katerega si je v letu 2015 (morda ponovno) koristno vzeti čas. Lani smo v oddajah več časa namenile reportažam s feminističnih dogodkov in intervjujem z aktivistkami - zdaj je čas za feministično izobraževanje.
Na področju literature se bomo posvetile feministični kritiki filma in popularne kulture. Na področju glasbe bomo nekaj misli namenile pojavu “pop feminizma”, ki ima nekaj najvidnejših predstavnic ravno v glasbeni industriji, in pojavu “apropriacije ženstvenosti” v svetu eletronske (in indie) glasbe.
Ob koncu sledijo napovedi najzanimivejših feminističnih dogodkov in izjava meseca. Januarsko oddajo pripravljata Klara Otorepec in Tea Hvala.
Vabljene_i k poslušanju!
V soboto, 10. januarja, ob 12.00 v živo na Radiu Študent (ali kasneje na tej povezavi).
Feminism in sound, words and image
The January edition of Sektor Ž will be slightly different for we shall dedicate it to “feminism in sound, words and image.” We are going to present a selection of feminist music, literature and films which, we believe, is worthy of your time (perhaps for the second time) in 2015. Last year, our show was mainly focused on reports from feminist event and interviews with activists - now it’s time for feminist education.
In the field of literature, we will focus on feminist critique of film and popular culture. In the field of music, we will talk about the phenomenon of “pop feminism” (some of its most visible representatives are found in the music industry), and about the phenomenon of “feminine appropriation” in the world of electronic (and indie) music.
At the end of January edition you can find out when and where the most interesting feminist events will be taking place in the following weeks and hear this month’s “statement of the month”. The January edition is made by Klara Otorepec and Tea Hvala.
Tune in!
Saturday, January 10th at 12.00 live at Radio Student, Ljubljana (or later, here).