A Workshop in Collective Writing of Independent Porn
by Tea Hvala and Bibliotheque Erotique
at Queeristan Festival in Amsterdam
Time: Saturday, June 1st from 12:00 to 16:00
Location: Op De Valreep
At the workshop, we are going to play with the rigid conventions of genre and gender and experiment with producing (semi)pornographic writing that turn us on. We are going to rely on our imagination, our individual erotic fantasies and collective writing techniques in which strange, sometimes humorous, sometimes poetic, and sometimes scary conjunctions arise from, so it seems, pure chance.
We won’t wait for inspiration. We won’t worry about controlling the narrative either. We are going to put aside individual artistic value and try out several collective approaches that can teach us to let go, trust our co-writers as well as our imagination – and our ability as writers.
The workshop is going to start with a short discussion on how we can reclaim the right to sexual pleasure as we like it, and the beauty of bodies like yours and mine. We will talk about mutual consent and ethics, and the reasons why our fantasies can never be politically correct, even if our porn is – from a feminist point of view – politically correct simply because queer people with queer bodies are in it having queer sex.
We will continue by playing several short Surrealist games in order to relax and prepare for the climax: the collective writing of gender- and genre-fucking stories of our own.
Language: English
Open to all genders, no previous knowledge necessary
You can register for the workshop at the info booth during the festival. Max. 15 people
Tea Hvala is a sociologist, writer, translator, editor, organiser and feminist science fiction fan with a MA in Gender Studies. She lives and works in Ljubljana where she co-hosts a monthly radio show Sektor Z, co-organises the International Feminist and Queer Festival Red Dawns and participates in Red Dawn’s theatre performance group. Since 2008, she has been facilitating workshops in collaborative writing of feminist-queer science fiction In Other Wor(l)ds in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria, Germany, United Kingdom, and The Netherlands. Her recently edited books include Svetovi drugih (KUD Anarhiv, 2010) and Rdecke razsajajo! (KUD Mreza, 2011).
Bibliothèque érotique is a literary performance group that entices its listeners to think, fantasize and talk about sex and sexuality. We do this by mixing fashion, performance art and erotic literature.