27. okt. 2012

Publishing Class III: How to Live Together

Stills from Fassbinder's film The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant (1972) 

Publishing Class III: How to Live Together
November 1st-2nd with guests Christian Nyampeta and Tea Hvala

Publishing Class is an experimental curriculum with public events organized as commissioned by the Dutch Art Institute/ArtEZ Master of Fine Arts in Arnhem. Now in its third phase, Publishing Class III takes inspiration from Roland Barthes' How to Live Together and focuses on writing as a tool for critical publishing and as a conduit of community. Traversing the realms of art and life, the class will locate speculative thinking and artistic writing at the heart of art publishing. The core task of the Class is to:

"Imagine a room (drawing from your concerns and vision) in the scope of your practice. Use this room to discern a speculative method and a mode for producing a theory around the question of living together."

Through monthly DAI week seminars with guest artists as well as occasional "practical" workshops for publishing, Publishing Class III will develop and publish one book. The book will share the "theoretical" - or counter - the theoretical outcomes of the participating students and invited guests. The book will also be developed in collaboration with Werkplaats Typografie as in the previous year of Publishing Class.

For its first gathering, Publishing Class III will be joined by artist Christian Nyampeta, whose long-term research trajectory on the same question inspired the third phase of Publishing Class very much. Writer Tea Hvala will workshop the question "How to conduct collective writing scenarios?"

More at the Dutch Art Institute webpage.

24. okt. 2012

Feminist Media: Participatory Spaces, Networks and Cultural Citizenship


Elke Zobl, Ricarda Drüeke (eds.)
Feminist Media: Participatory Spaces, Networks and Cultural Citizenship

[transcript], 2012
ISBN 978-3-8376-2157-0

While feminists have long recognised the importance of self-managed, alternative media to transport their messages, to challenge the status quo, and to spin novel social processes, this topic has been an under-researched area. Hence, this book explores the processes of women's and feminist media production in the context of participatory spaces, technology, and cultural citizenship. The collection is composed of theoretical analyses and critical case studies. It highlights contemporary alternative feminist media in general as well as blogs, zines, culture jamming, and street art.

It features my essay Streetwise Politics: Feminist and Lesbian Grassroots Activism in Ljubljana as well as works by Rosa Reitsamer, Jenny Gunnarsson Payne, Brigitte Geiger, Margit Hauser, Red Chidgey, Verena Kuni, Stefanie Grünangerl and many others.

For details, check the Table of Contents and Foreword (PDF).

16. okt. 2012

Oddaja Sektor Ž: Feminizmi za vsakdanjo rabo

Ekipi Sektorja Ž se pridružuje kulturologinja Mirna Berberović s prispevkom o okrogli mizi Feminizem, izobraževanje in umetnost, ki je potekala na letošnjem Mestu žensk, in komentarjem pogovorne oddaje Panoptikum na temo Feminizmi današnjega časa (TV SLO, 11.10.2012).  Tea Hvala bo predvajala intervju z Belmo Bećirbašić, pisateljico, novinarko in teoretičarko, ki je v študiji Tijelo, ženskost i moć (2011) analizirala najpogostejše vpise patriarhalnega diskurza v žensko telo v povojni Bosni in Hercegovini.

Vabljene, vabljeni k poslušanju v soboto, 20. oktobra 2012, ob 12.00 na Radiu Študent. Na povezavi je dostopen tudi arhivski posnetek celotne oddaje.

15. okt. 2012

Intervju z Marto Gregorčič

"Ne le v šolskem sistemu, tudi sicer smo se tako zašolali, tako poneumili, da vztrajamo v položaju žrtve, ki čaka na alternativo, ki naj bi padla z neba. Kot da ne vemo, da je edina alternativa v povezovanju, sodelovanju, organiziranju," pravi Marta Gregorčič, vodja Urbanih brazd, v novi številki revije Življenje na dotik.

V intervjuju Raziskujemo načine, kako zadovoljevati lastne potrebe in biti čim manj odvisen od države sva se pogovarjali o avtonomiji, sodelovanju, zašolani Sloveniji in podpori migrantskim delavcem in Romom v Mariboru.

 Revija je brezplačna, na voljo je v tiskani obliki in na ISSUU-ju (spodaj).