5. maj 2010

In Other Wor(l)ds workshop at The London Zine Symposium 2010

The London Zine Symposium is an annual event that was set up in 2005 in the Institute for Autonomy - a squatted social centre in central London - to bring together zinesters, radicals and comic creators to celebrate DIY culture. The idea is to build a stronger DIY network and community by having people meet up, chat, maybe participate in a workshop or two but definitely have a good time.

The 6th annual symposium is, among other workshops, hosting In Other Worl(d)s!

In Other Wor(l)ds
An exercise in collaborative writing of feminist-queer Sci-Fi
At the workshop, we are going to hold individual authorship hostage for two hours. We won’t wait for inspiration. We won’t worry about controlling the narrative either. Instead, we are going to try to queer the rigid conventions of genre and gender together. We are going to disguise ideas as characters and genderfuck with them by relating or transforming gender variant human characters to aliens, cyborgs, monsters, mechano-plants and other queer creatures.

In Other Wor(l)ds workshop is a variant of the Surrealist game Exquisite corpse. Each participant begins by writing her own story. Fifteen minutes later, he passes the piece to the next person. After reading it, xe continues where the other person stopped. The workshop is finished when everyone has written a part of every story and when they are read aloud to the amazed amusement of all.

Everyone is welcome! Please, bring a pen and some paper.

Stories from previous workshops: Civilmedia Salzburg (2009) and Ladyfest Amsterdam (2008).

Saturday, May 29th at 17.00
The Rag Factory,
Heneage Street, London E1 5LJ (just off Brick Lane on Heneage Street, about 400m north of Rough Trade and the Truman Brewery.)

station: Liverpool Street Station
tube: Aldgate East
bus: 205, 25, 254, 67, 15

2. maj 2010

Ne čakaj na prvi maj!

Zgoraj se, upam, da je razvidno iz kolaža, ne delam norca iz delavk LTH-ja Škofja Loka (na sliki), ki so junija 2009, po polletnem čakanju na plače, končno lahko šle na čakanje (to, da je podjetje šlo v stečaj, so izvedele od novinarjev!). Skupaj s plavalkami, ki v ledeno mrzli vodi pičijo KAMORKOLI, SAMO STRAN OD TOD, in rešilnim pasom, ki ne upa na rešitev "izven kadra", pozdravljam enega redkih delavskih kolektivov v Sloveniji, ki je svoje šefe uspel vsaj malce prestrašiti. Direktor in lastnik LTH-ja, Miloš Kodre, se je najprej moral zakleniti v pisarno, kasneje pa je za kratek čas postal kar ujetnik lastnega doma ("ni ga bilo doma"), saj so se 4. junija delavke in delavci odpravili pred Kodretovo hišo v Šempeter pri Novi Gorici .

Poleg upora delavcev Gorenja in filmov Stara šola kapitalizma (Želimir Žilnik, 2009) ter Louise-Michel (Benoît Delépine, Gustave de Kervern, 2008) je bilo to zame daleč najbolj navdihujoče dejanja tistega delavskega razreda, o katerem nekateri filozofi danes trdijo isto, kar prakticirajo njegovi izkoriščevalci: da ga "takorekoč ni".

Vsem zvestim bralkam, bralcem za konec podarjamo 1. maj nekoliko drugače...

1. maj 2010

Accordions against boredom II

Dare & Tea, May 1st 2010, Ljubljana