
9. okt. 2017

Mesto mrež / City of Networks

English version below.

23. mednarodni festival sodobnih umetnosti Mesto žensk 

Mesto mrež
13. oktober 2017, 10.00-18.00, Stara mestna elektrarna  - Sindikalna soba

Srečanje lokalnih, regionalnih in mednarodnih feminističnih in LGBTIQ mrež, ki delujejo na področju kulture, se bo začel s kratkimi predstavitvami določenih družbeno-političnih kontekstov, ki vplivajo na tematske usmeritve in metode dela omenjenih mrež. Če politična umetnost govori neizgovorljivo in si predstavlja nevidno, kako – kot pobudnice_ki in producentke_i – krmariti med Scilo in Karibdo institucionalizacije in kapitalizacije tako umetnosti kot tudi politike spolov?
  • Mreža kulturnih praks družbenega spola (Slovenija/Hrvaška/Srbija/Bosna in Hercegovina/Makedonija)
  • Nordijsko-baltska mreža kvir umetnosti (Danska)
  • Gender Bender / Il Cassero (Italija)
Pogovore bo moderirala Tea Hvala.
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Mreža kulturnih praks družbenega spola je platforma, sestavljena iz regionalnih ženskih, feminističnih in kvir festivalov, medijskih spletnih strani in pobud, ki pripadajo nadaljevanju feminističnih praks v regiji in hkrati odpirajo nova polja dejavnosti ter izražajo novo generacijo feministk_ov z različnimi zasebnimi in javnimi zgodovinami. Članice mreže so (Hrvaška), Libela (Hrvaška), Crol (Hrvaška), House of Flamingo (Hrvaška), Živa Muzika (Hrvaška), Fundacija Cure (Bosna in Hercegovina), BeFem (Srbija), Center za dekleta (Srbija), Femix (Srbija), Tiiiit! Inc. (Makedonija), Rdeče zore (Slovenija), Sektor Ž (Slovenija) in Mesto žensk (Slovenija).

Nordijsko-baltska mreža kvir umetnosti povezuje posameznice_ke, institucije in organizacije, ki se ukvarjajo s kvir, feministično in politično umetnostjo v nordijskih in baltiških državah. Ustanovljena je bila leta 2012 v Köbenhavnu na pobudo organizacije Warehouse9. Njen namen je ustvariti platformo za regionalno povezovanje in izmenjavo. Mreža je razvijajoči se forum za umetnice_ke in aktivistke_e ter spodbuja produkcijo, predstavljanje in kontekstualizacijo novih umetniških del.

Il Cassero LGBT Center iz Bologne so člani italjanskega LGBT društva ARCI - ARCIGAY. Med drugim producirajo tudi mednarodni festival Gender Bender, ki italijanski javnosti predstavlja novo metaforiko, povezano s spolnimi identitetami, spolnimi usmerjenostmi in telesnimi reprezentacijami, izhajajočimi iz sodobne kulture. Festival je del mreže Bologna Contemporanea. Gender Bender je pobudnik evropskega projekta Uprizarjati spol ter projekta Teatro Arcobaleno, ki je namenjen otrokom in družinam in ki skozi gledališče spodbuja spoštovanje razlik, videnih kot možnost za kulturno obogatitev.

Foto galerija: 
The networking of local, regional, and international feminist and LGBTIQ groups working in culture is going to start off with brief presentations of specific socio-political contexts that affect their respective thematic focuses and working methods. If political art speaks the unspeakable, envisions the unseen, how do they, as initiators and producers, navigate between the Scylla and Charybdis of institutionalisation and capitalisation of both art and gender politics?
  • Cultural Gender Practices Network (Slovenia/Croatia/Serbia/Bosna and Herzegovina/Macedonia)
  • Nordijc/Baltic Queer Art Network (Denmark)
  • Gender Bender / Il Cassero (Italia)
Discussions' Moderator: Tea Hvala
// in English //
Free entry.

The Cultural Gender Practices Network is a platform composed of regional women’s, feminist and queer festivals, media websites and initiatives that belong to the continuity of feminist practices in the region, while at the same time, they open up new fields of action and voice a new generation of feminists with different private and public histories. Members of the network are (Croatia), Libela (Croatia), Crol (Croatia), House of Flamingo (Croatia), Živa Muzika (Croatia), Cure Foundation (Bosnia), Befem (Serbia), Centre for Girls (Serbia), Femix (Serbia), Tiiit! Inc. (Macedonia), Red Dawns (Slovenia), Sektor Ž (Slovenia), City of Women (Slovenia).

Nordic/Baltic Queer Art Network is a network for individuals, institutions and organisations that work with queer, feminist and gender political art in the Nordic/Baltic countries. The NBQAN was founded by the live art venue Warehouse9 in Copenhagen in 2012, in order to create a platform to connect, exchange, present and establish a Scandinavian/Baltic queer art context. The network is a developing forum for artists and activists from many different genres and disciplines, and facilitate the production, presentation, discussion and evaluation of new work.

Il Cassero LGBT Center, member of the Italian LGBT Association ARCI - ARCIGAY, is based in Bologna. It is also the producer of the International Festival Gender Bender, introducing the Italian public to the new imagery related to gender identities, sexual orientations and body representations stemming from contemporary culture. Gender Bender is a part of Bologna Contemporanea, a network that operates in the city with an international overlook. Gender Bender is the initiator of  Performing Gender, a European dance project, and Teatro Arcobaleno, a project aimed at children and their families that promotes respect for differences, seen as opportunities of cultural richness, through theatre.

Photo gallery: 

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