
14. mar. 2017

Oddaja Sektor Ž: 45 dni feminizma. In kaj potem?

45 dni feminizma. In kaj potem?
V marčevskem Sektorju Ž se bomo posvetile bogatemu naboru dogodku, ki so jih različni kolektivi organizirali ob letošnjem mednarodnem dnevu žensk. V oddaji bomo kritično komentirale vsebino, cilje in učinke teh dogodkov. V našo razpravo, ki bo potekala v živo, bomo vpletle nekaj posnetih vtisov s 5. festivala Deuje babe, ki jih je zbrala Tea H., in poročilo Teje O. s performansa Vstajniških socialnih delavk. Ta je potekal na 18. feminističnem in kvirovskem festivalu Rdeče Zore. Tokratni feministični nasvet bo z vami delila psihologinja dr. Metka Mencin Čeplak.

V soboto, 18. marca, ob 12h v živo na Radiu Študent. Kasneje v arhivu.
Marčevsko oddajo pripravlja celotna ekipa Sektorja Ž in njena gostja Petra Meterc. Tune in!

45 days of Feminism. And then what?
In March, Sector F (Sektor Ž) is focusing on the wide array of events, organised by different collectives for this year’s International Women’s Day. We are going to critically review the content, the goals and the effects of these events. Our live discussion is going to be mixed with impressions from the 5th Wild Hags (Deuje babe) Festival, recorded by Tea H., and Teja O.’s report from the Uprising Social Workers’ (Vstajniške socialne delavke) performance at the 18th Feminist and Queer Festival Red Dawns (Rdeče zore). The show is going to conclude with a feminist advice, shared with you by psychologist dr. Metka Mencin Čeplak. 

Saturday, March 18th, at 12h live at Radio Študent. Later in our archive.
The march edition of the show is prepared by the whole Sector F team and our guest Petra Meterc. Tune in!

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