
7. okt. 2016

Oddaja Transgenderradio Berlin v oddaji Sektor Ž

V septembrski ediciji Sektorja Ž pripravljamo intervju z Marek_om Sancho_m, (so)avtorico_jem oddaje Transgenderradio Berlin ( V pogovoru s Teo H. je predstavil_a oddajo, razložil_a, kako nemški zakoni regulirajo spremembo spola, in predlagal_a nekaj načinov, na katere lahko (cis) feministke in feministi naslovimo trans ljudi brez reproduciranja transfobije. Po intervjuju bomo predvajale odlomke iz ene od preteklih oddaj berlinskega Transgenderradia (v angleščini).

Nekaj minut bomo namenile tudi napovedani razpravi upravnega odbora ZZZS o uvrstitvi hormonskih kontraceptivov v skupino terapevtskih zdravil, kar bi posledično prineslo uvedbo doplačil za hormonsko kontracepcijo. Novico bo pripravila Zala Bezlaj. Več o tem si lahko že pred oddajo preberete na:
Prispevke bo kot vedno povezovala s feminizmom podložena glasba. Vabljene_i k poslušanju!


The september edition of Sektor Ž features an interview with Marek Sancho, the co-author of radio show Transgenderradio Berlin ( With Tea H., they talked about the specificity of the show, discussed the legal regulation of gender change in Germany, and ways in which cis feminists can address trans people and trans issues without reproducing transphobia. After the interview, we will play excerpts from one of the past editions of Transgenderradio Berlin (in English).

Also, we are going dedicate some minutes to the meeting where the board of directors of the (public) Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia (ZZZS) discussed the proposal to list hormonal contraceptives as therapeutic medication, which would make it a payable by the users, rather than let it stay as it was - fully covered by ZZZS. The report, prepared by Zala Bezlaj, is going to be in Slovene.
And as usual ... expect lots of feminist tunes. Tune in!

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