
25. jul. 2007

Obetaven zaposlitveni intervju / A Promising Job Interview

Moj Bog! ... Delodajalec!
Bog: Zakaj bi, ha, zaposlil ravno tebe?
Vernik: Ker sem tako vdan. ... in tako sam in tako reven in tako zelo preziram napuh in lakomnost in nečistost in jezo in... 

Bog: Kako to, da si zamenjal že toliko zaposlitev?
Vernik: Ah! Bog je eden in edini. Vendar je navzoč povsod! 

Bog: Aha! Iskal si, ničvrednež dvomeči, dokaz! Zakaj se nisi razumel s prejšnjim šefom?
Vernik: Odpustil me je, ker, ne boste verjeli, nisem ... dvomil!!
Bog: Ha, ha. Odlično! Pa vendar ... nebesa so daleč; si boš potne stroške plačeval sam?
Vernik: Gromka strela, to pa ne! Pravico imam do angelskih kril!
Bog: To bomo še videli...
Bog: Naslednji! 

Viri: igrače in budilka iz viškega bolšjaka preoblečene v vernika brez posla in hudo zaposlenega boga z dobro razsvetljavo, nauki iz učbenika za udeležence delavnic Poti do dela in zaposlitve (Zavod RS Slovenije za zaposlovanje, 2006), dva dobra benda (Spazz: WWF Rematch at the Cow Palace in The Books: Be Good to Them Always).


Believer: My God! ... my employer!
God: Ha, why would I employ YOU?
Believer: Because I am faithful. ...and so lonely and so poor and because I despise gluttony and greed and lust and wrath and... 

God: Why did you change so many occupations? 
Believer: Ah! God is one and only. However, He is omnipresent!
God: Aha! You worthless doubter, you were looking for proof! Why didn't you get along with your previous boss? 
Believer: He fired me, You won't believe this, because I... doubted!!!
God: Ha, ha. Excellent! Still... Heaven is far; are you going to pay your own travel costs?
Believer: Strike me if I will! I am entitled to angle wings!
God: I'll see about that...
God: Next!


Sources: free toys and an alarm clock from the flee market disguised into an unemployed believer and a very busy God with decent lightning; misinterpreted lessons from Paths to Work and Employment textbook for participants of obligatory Employment Service of Slovenia workshops; two good bands & songs (Spazz: WWF Rematch at the Cow Palace and The Books: Be Good to Them Always).

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