
14. apr. 2014

Sektor Ž: Novo štetje / Feminizem v Romuniji

Drage feministke in feministi, tudi v tokratni oddaji za vas odpiramo aktualne debate o družbenih razmerah, ki pogojujejo življenja žensk. Teja Oblak se je pogovarjala s kolektivom Vstajniških socialnih delavk o izzivih ob nastajanju koledarja za feministično leto 158, ki so ga 8. marca 2014 predstavile na Rdečih zorah.

Tea Hvala se je pogovarjala z Irino Ilisei iz romunske feministične skupine Asociaţia FRONT: o tem, zakaj romske ženske v Romuniji tako težko dosežejo visokošolsko izobrazbo, o težavah pri uresničevanju novega zakona o preprečevanju nasilja v družini, o boju proti vključitvi posilstva v predlog zakona o mediaciji in o nevidnosti feminističnih zahtev na množičnih protivladnih protestih, ki v Bukarešti potekajo že od leta 2012.

V eter vam bom prišepetovala Ida H.

Sobota, 12. april 2014 ob 12h na Radiu Študent. Posnetek oddaje je dostopen tukaj.


In this show: Teja Oblak interviews Vstajniške socialne delavke (Uprising Social Workers) about the making of their calendar for the feminist year 158 which introduces a new calendar era.

Tea Hvala interviews political scientist and activist Irina Ilisei, the co-founder of Romanian feminist group Asociatia FRONT, who discusses the obstacles faced by Roma women who want to enter the higher education system, the reasons for the difficult implementation of the new law on domestic violence prevention, the struggle against the inclusion of rape in te new law proposal on mediation, and the invisibility of feminist claims at the ongoing anti-government protests in Bucharest.

The show is led by Ida H.

Saturday, April 12th 2014 at 12.00 at Radio Študent. The recording is available here

6. apr. 2014

15 Years of Red Dawns Fest: Exhibition and Discussion

It has been 15 years since the conception of the Red Dawns Festival. To commemorate this event, the 2014 team organized an exhibition of posters that visually defined each festival edition. Different motifs demonstrate how the festival has been transforming throughout the years, how it evolved from a women's pocket festival and international women's festival to an international feminist and queer fest.

As with the festival's program, the choice of the poster for each festival was motivated by the groups' desire to give an opportunity to young and innovative female artists who could represent Red Dawns well. Throughout the years, many artists have visualized the festival: Antje Schrimer and Dragana Rajković (the first poster), Zvonka Simčič, Tanja Vujinovič and duo Phant&Puntza, Anna Ehrlemark (the first one in co-operation with Igor Hofbauer), Leigh San Juan, Ana Baraga, Nives Marković and Ana Čigon who designed the latest 2014 poster.

At the opening on March 6th 2014 in Menza pri koritu, Danijela Zajc lead a discussion with the co-founder of the Red Dawns, Nataša Serec, and the long-term program team member, Tea Hvala.

Photo by Rebeka Bernetič. The video was recorded and edited by Nika Autor.